All % data provided here is for 2014 and has been calculated by 'bump2babe: The Consumer Guide to Maternity Services in Ireland'. Maternity units provided bump2babe with numbers of mothers or babies for the various categories and we calculated the percentage rates. In some instances, numbers of mothers were provided when we needed numbers of babies or vice versa and this could lead to discrepancies of maximum 2%. Blank spaces indicate no data was provided by the maternity unit.
We are not responsible for any inaccuracies in the figures given to bump2babe. The guide has highlighted and raised concerns about differences in data recording and reporting abilities in the 19 maternity units and 2 midwifery-led units in Ireland. The roll-out of the new Maternal & Newborn Clinical Management System will standardise data recording in future years.

Portiuncula University Hospital Print Version Detailed data - all hospitals

General Information All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Onset of labour (%) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Mode of birth (%) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Induction of labour (methods) (% of women whose labours were induced) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Modes of birth following induction of labour (% of women whose labours were induced) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
In spontaneous labour (% of women whose labour started spontaneously) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Modes of birth following spontaneous labour (% of women whose labour started spontaneously) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
"Normal Birth" % (Spontaneous onset of labour, no artificial rupture of membranes, no augmentation, no epidural, no episiotomy, spontaneous vaginal birth.) All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Breech babies All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Twin births All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC)
Fetal monitoring in labour All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Pharmacological pain relief in labour - % usage All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Tears / episiotomies % All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Timing of umbilical cord clamping - % of babies All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
3rd stage of labour All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Antibiotics administered to mother in the peripartum period All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Health professionals in attendance All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Breastfeeding - % of babies All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Babies born outside of the unit - % of babies All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Mothers with additional risk factors All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers
Anaesthesia used for caesarean births
% contribution each Robson category makes to the overall caesarean birth rate
Gestatation All mothers First-time mothers 2nd- & subsequent-time mothers